Pharmacy professors aren't stand up comedians. There's a reason why
they went into pharmaceuticals. As such, I think I'd like to proclaim a
moratorium on all route-of-administration jokes in any pharmaceutics
class. Pharmacy professors: spare your students and do not rant about
the importance of such statements as: "UNWRAP and insert" or "FOR VAGINAL
use only". Find one discrete class to mention it once, then pick
another specific class about 6 months later and mention again that "BY
MOUTH" or "USE RECTALLY" must be on prescriptions...but don't bother
telling the story about the gentleman who came into the pharmacy to
complain about how bad his suppositories tasted or the woman who's
symptoms were improving, she just "didn't like how the foil wrapper
felt". I chuckled awkwardly the first time, laughed a little the second
time, smiled the third, yawned the fourth... I'm barely through my
second quarter of classes as a first year student, and I don't have
enough fingers to count how many times a joke like that's been used.
Don't get me wrong: humor is great in the classroom. But jokes are
jokes only a few times. After that, the jokes on you.